made my choices. i tried to vote for those wich looked origonal, and not repetitive (by wich i mean alot of skins using similar colours/designs/ decals and so on)
anyone watch the top gear polar special jus on tonight? north pole looks fine to me. . . . . .
btw, before i get flamed for being ignorant and an ass and al that other crap, i am fully aware of global warming, and its effectst. but unsure of the truthful causes. i actually watched a program once that said that the actual ocean emits CO2, and also that climate change increased slightly before the co2 levels raised, basicaly saying that the planet warming up causes more co2 to be produced. probably a load of bulshit but thought id share one of freeviews documentaries with you.
ok ive finaly made some wheels, a floor (stil to be finished and shape properly), and started on the front :S. but im stil dreading the lights. could i ask, wil i be better off making the inside where the bulb sits, then making a transparent cover as if it where a real thing i was designing or just make something wich looks like the shape and make its shiny? cos i really have no idea how il start.
noooooooooooooo! anyway im just driving round an industrial estate. i think. and if i see myself being stalked il go into lfs mode and outrun you. (i wish)
Last edited by Captain Slow, .
Reason : didnt want mr x to see my actual driving lesson location :p
not sure. if i manage to finishe the exterior to a decent degree of quality i might have a go. only thing is finding referance pics.
once iv made this i might make something of my own design for a change. hmmmmmmmmm
EDIT: quick update, a roof, and glass. would of done more but i forgot to save it after i made the bonnet and other side so had to construct it all again.
ah yes, i forgot to mention the tutorial is on box modeling but if you simply delete the default cube and add a plane instead then just use the same techniques then its quite good to do. thats how im making the quattro anyway.
thats what i used. i only went up to modeling a rocket launcher for the jeep (youl see) and then sarted my own stuff. eventually il use it agai when i need something knew, but if you just put up with it and follow it like exactly then it wil be alot of help. even if at first you feel like your not learning you will.
ive finished the majority of the paneling on the side, i just need to run over it with a fine toothed comb now, and make sure everything seals together ect ect. pic below of current state.
nice work flippy. im going to try and make the rset of the side today, and the windows, and fix anything that looks wrong. the only thing im worried about is making bumpers and headlights, how would i go about even starting?
ok, ive decided to go with one of my origonal ideas, the audi quattro from the 80s, nice and square. iv mnaged to create the front qing to the best of my ability, as im stil learning, and have posteda screenshot of it, next i think il try and make the front bumper, then duplicate and mirror the wing to peice them together. either that or possibly try and create the wheels. either way il keep updating my progres on here and if anyone sees anyhting that looks wrong to them, please do not hesitate to advise me.
EDIT: updated it a bit, managed to get wing, door and sill made now, i peiced them together and did a render (without any colours or materials ect ect.)
hmmm, i was thinking of an audi quattro, but now i think il have a go at the fiesta. just one question, when people make these models, do you try and make the whole car as one, or make the seperate sections then peice them together?
hi, iv recently been playing with blender making models and looking at tutorials butnow i want to try something on my own, the only thing is, i have no idea what to start with. i want a car obviously but im a bit stuck as to choosing one that willnot require excellent skill, but challenging enough to help me develop modelling skills.
any suggestions?
i was thinking maybe a mk1 golf or a renault 5 or something like that, as its fairly squared but if anyone can sugest something easier?
once in the middle of winter at school doing cross country running, there is a river we have to cross, usually by stepping stones, but quite a few people just walk through it, however i thought id be good and runn through it, only thing is as soon as i hit the water it slowed the bototm half of my body down, but the top half was still moving as if i was runningm, so naturally i just lost my balance and was up to my neck in freezing cold water with only shorts and t shirt on. then obviously i had to finish the remaining length of the course. (and we all know what cold temperatures can do to boys just below the waist. and my shorts wer clinging to me)
im not talking shite here just because its lx month, but about a week before all this i just started driving the lx6 offline, because i remember someone saying on here that the best way to learn is to do about 100 laps in the lx6 then you can drive anyhting, so ithought i might aswell give it a go, and i really enjoyed it. im not the fastest person in the lx, but i can control it 75% of the time. (unless i bite off more than i can chew, ie: racing)
hi im finaly starting to come to grips with blender now. stil not daring to stray away from the tutorial i found, this is what iv managed so far (following tutorial). one thing, i did not make the monkey head, its pre made.
oh yea i know the rleft arms longer than the right hehe.